Transport Management System

Advances your warehouse operations from beyond basic picking, packing and shipping, speeding up the flow of goods and information through your warehouse and enabling flawless execution of all warehouse operations.

Transport Solutions For Your Logistic Needs

QubePos® transportation management system, QubeTMS, is a platform that is designed to streamline the shipping process from warehouse to outlets or between warehouses. With QubeTMS, shippers can automate process control and receive valuable insights to maximize cost efficiency of future shipments.

How does Transport System improve your business?

Detailed Planning

Fulfill customer expectations through effective delivery planning at all times.

Driver Management

Manage hundreds or even thousands of vehicles and drivers simultaneously.

GPS Visualizer

Stay updated on where drivers and shipments are located in real-time.

Expenses Tracking

Track mileages and expenses for the drivers accurately and automatically.

Routing Optimization

Optimize routes to reduce carbon footprint and unnecessary miles.

Proof of Delivery

Recipient names, signatures, and photos are synced and saved confidentially.

Uplift and Streamline Your Transportation

A technology partnership with us can reign in new insights in the movement of transport, leading to more innovation in your operations and functioning.

Onboarding & Preparation

Prepare delivery instructions, necessary documents, and specific orders prior to making a commitment to a shipment.

& Delivery

Goods are loaded into the truck and the driver begins delivering via the most efficient route to assigned outlets.

Offloading & Completion

Offload the goods and update the goods receipt before restarting the procedure for the next shipment.

Let's talk about what we can do for you

Talk to our expert today and learn how we can help your business.

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This brochure will change everything you ever thought about operating a canteen/foodcourt business.  Find the secret about how to revolutionize your canteen services.

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